#mbf Muscle Burns Fat - Results


Today I finished #mbf Muscle Burns Fat.  It is a three-week muscle building program that I gave my initial reactions of HERE.  Also, ya know, if you want to sign up for Beachbody On Demand – you can follow my affiliate LINK and I’ll get $10. Woot!

So – what can happen in three weeks?  Well, it’s different if it’s your first three weeks ever working out (or back to working out) like my experience with 21-Day Fix or if you’ve been working out for a while.  I started working out consistently in December, so I still consider myself a newbie.

Here are my results from this program.

I started to get up without complaint.  My alarm goes off at 5:00am – and I know there are people that say they are not morning persons, but trust…I am the OG hater of the a.m. hours.  My inner dialogue hasn’t changed so much as just turned the F off.  I’m like a robot in the morning.

I noticed that I was able to get down the stairs in the morning without pain.  I’ve felt like the Tin Man for so long, that I thought that was the way things were going to be for me.  By far – the BEST of the transformations.  It surprises me every damn day.

My shoulders have more mobility.  I started having a “thing” with my shoulders about two years ago – primarily my right – where they would feel like they randomly dropped out of place.  The tendons couldn’t handle much movement and I had popping and catching all the time.  It was hard to raise my hands over my head.  My chiropractor has been working diligently (and painfully) to help me.  At the end of this three-week program I could clasp my hands behind by back!!  Serious improvement.

I can stand on one foot.  At the end of some of the workouts, they do a quad stretch where you stand on one foot and grab the other one behind your back.  I always move towards the wall and hang on.  In the last workout, I was like “hm, maybe I’ll try without the wall” and I DID IT!

My Achilles tendon feels better.  Again, a problem that has been happening for a while – my left Achilles has been very tight and painful.  My left foot has some chronic swelling, consequently the mobility is reduced.  During these workouts, there’s a lot of hopping to simulate jumping rope and it’s been a little uncomfortable.  I’ve been paying attention to stretching it after all that hopping – and yesterday I noticed that it doesn’t hurt anymore – it’s just a little tight!

Things I did in addition to working out every day:

I track my food on MyFitnessPal and follow a 40/30/30 macro allocation with 1700 calories.  This is tough as a vegetarian, so I eat the same things a lot.  I have protein powder and a protein bar every day (and cheese popcorn, because you gotta live a little).

I drink somewhere around 96 ounces of water every day (that’s three 32oz bottles).  Once you get in the habit, it’s not a big deal.  In fact, when I slack – I can tell…I just feel – dried out. ??

I get my steps in.  I work a desk job – so I take a lap or two around the office when I get up to use the restroom, heat my lunch, go to the copier, etc.  If I don’t have my steps in (my watch sets a reasonable goal based on lifestyle) after dinner, I walk on the treadmill while I read my books for school.  It motivates me to get it done during the day – one night I spent 45 minutes on the treadmill – that’s not how I like to get my steps in!

I go to bed on time.  My kids are in middle school, so we usher them off to their rooms without devices about 9:00.  They can stay up till 10:00 if they want to, but we make them go wind down at 9:00.  I read a little and usually get the lights turned out by 9:45ish.  That gives me around 7 hours of sleep.  On the weekends, I have alarms set for 7:30 and usually still go to bed around 10:00, lol. I sleep better than I have in years.

I avoid alcohol.  Oh, beer…I do love thee.  And really, alcohol in general – I like to drink it up.  But, I noticed how great I feel when I don’t drink and how much better I sleep.  I had a beer once during this three week period.  It was delicious!

Here are my body composition stats for the three-week period:

Weight loss – 4 pounds

Chest – down 1 inch

Waist – down .5 inch

Hips – down 1 inch

Thighs – down .5 inch each

Biceps – no change

I am definitely more excited about the mind and mobility transformations than the body comp ones.  Four pounds and 3.5 inches in three weeks is great, but it’s totally not the whole story.  

I will start #mbfa Muscle Burns Fat Advanced tomorrow.  It’s another three week program that is just the step up from #mbf.  The workouts are a little longer so I will probably have to start getting up at 4:45…but I’m committed to the three weeks – it’s not that long.

Thanks for reading!


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