
Showing posts from March, 2021

#mbf Muscle Burns Fat - Results

  Today I finished #mbf Muscle Burns Fat.   It is a three-week muscle building program that I gave my initial reactions of HERE .   Also, ya know, if you want to sign up for Beachbody On Demand – you can follow my affiliate LINK and I’ll get $10. Woot! So – what can happen in three weeks?   Well, it’s different if it’s your first three weeks ever working out (or back to working out) like my experience with 21-Day Fix or if you’ve been working out for a while.   I started working out consistently in December, so I still consider myself a newbie. Here are my results from this program. I started to get up without complaint .   My alarm goes off at 5:00am – and I know there are people that say they are not morning persons, but trust…I am the OG hater of the a.m. hours.   My inner dialogue hasn’t changed so much as just turned the F off.   I’m like a robot in the morning. I noticed that I was able to get down the stairs in the morning without pain .   I’ve felt like the Tin Man fo

9WCF - Program Review

 9 Week Control Freak is a workout program from Beachbody On Demand.  For detailed product information, please visit my affiliate link HERE . I'll preface this post by saying that it will be long - 9WCF is the mother of all complicated workouts.  From the format to the equipment to the nutrition plan...just get ready to have your mind blown by purposefully confusing content. This program does not follow any format that I have ever seen. It seems like every day is cardo day and most every day is full body strength training day. There are five workouts per week with a run time of 25 - 35 minutes.  Three are called DCT-T, one is a Total Body Tone and one is Tabata Cardio.  There are also 45 individual stretching workouts - 5-9 minutes each - designed to be done in the evenings. The bonus workouts are as follows: - 18 Tabata bonus workouts (5-9 minutes) - 9 add on workouts with varying focus (8-11 minutes) - 2 recovery workouts (11-22 minutes) - 2 warm up workouts (11-13 minutes) - 5 f

Week One Review - #mbf

#mbf is a 3-week muscle building program from Beachbody On Demand. For a more detailed product page, please visit my affiliate link HERE . This program follows a pretty standard format.  There are four weight lifting days, two cardio days and a recovery/stretching day.  The days alternate to give muscle groups adequate rest with the recovery day at the end of the week. The workouts are right around 30 minutes long, with one being closer to 35 and one day of the week being just 25 minutes.  There is one bonus video which is a 10 minute ab workout. The only equipment used (I say used, not required)  is a light, medium and heavy set of dumb bells in addition to a unique piece of equipment - Bod Ropes.  Bod Ropes are handles with little foam balls on the end.  The instructor uses them in creative cardio intervals to simulate jumping rope.  They are actually pretty fun and I am really glad I went ahead and spent the $14.99 on the knock offs.  The Beachbody ones are twice the price. Try thes